In Old Chicago

Yes, Miss Fawcett.
Your carriage is here.

Will you tell Mr. Warren l'll meet him
for lunch tomorrow at the Palmer House?

- Yes, Miss Fawcett.
- Thank you.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Get in.!
Let me go!
- Shut up!
- l won't! Let me out of here!

- Shut up.
- Let me out of here, or l'll jump!

Go ahead.Jump.
It's you.
Driver! Driver!

- No use yelling at him. l fixed him.
- You're crazy!

Maybe. But l was sane
enough until tonight.

Then l heard you sing,
and something happened to me.

Something swept over me l've never
felt before or ever expect to feel again.

- What are you talking about?
- l'm in love with you, Belle.

- Get out, or l'll call the police!
- They can't stop me from loving you.

Maybe not, but they can sure
cool you off, brother.

l know it sounds crazy--
and l apologize-- but it's true.

Right now, my heart's pounding so.
- Listen to it. Ow!
- You fool.

l'm trembling all over.
And l wanna be calm and cool
so l can make you understand.

Say, are you
on the level?

- But l don't even know who you are.
- Does that matter?

lt does to me.
And l'll tell you another thing.

- l didn't like that cheap
trick you pulled on me.
- l had to talk to you alone.

What gave you the idea you could
make love to me like this?

Just give me a chance.
l'll tell you the whole story.

All right. You can stop here
and buy me a drink.

No, not here.
lt's too crowded.
