- Well--
- l want the truth.
- You have a piece of property
on Randolph Street.
- Of all the--
l thought if you and l were
to put up a place like Warren's--
only better, more class--
we could make a lot of money.
But l really meant that
about being crazy about you.
Why didn't you say so
in the first place?
l'm a businesswoman.
l'd have listened to any proposition...
without all
this foolishness.
- You would've?
- Of course l would.
What a woman.
Right through this way,,
Mr. Police.!
Sorry, boss...
but it looks like
the fire's out.
Now, look, Senator.
Gil Warren controls...
the Patch with
all its votes.
You need votes. Now,
as long as Warren goes along...
with no opposition, he has you and
your interests just where he wants them.
Who knows, but the day,
may, come when Warren...
gets other ideas
that'd be embarrassing.
- We have an offer to make you.
- Now, l have the greatest...
attraction that ever came to Chicago--
Miss Fawcett.
Now with y,our backing
and y,our money, to get us started...
we'll open the greatest saloon
Chicago's ever known....
on the busiest
corner in town...
and l'll control the Patch--
l'll tell 'em how to vote.
And what's more, Senator,
you see this floor?
You see those real silver dollars
that Potter Palmer put in there?
Well, every month
after we get started, Senator...
they'll be 1 ,000
of those for you.
What do you say?
Are you in?
l'm always in the market
for marketable goods.
Go ahead.
Full protection for me,
security for you and your family...
and a hundred dollars in cash
every Monday from now on.