Excuse me, please.
- l'll be right back.
- We'll expect you.
He's nice-looking, isn't he?
l mean, for someone from the Patch.
- Hello, Warren.
- Why, hello, son.
- Mr. O'Leary.
-Jim-dandy place you've got here.
- Thanks.
- Nothing like it in Chicago. l'm proud of you.
- You mean, you're not sore?
- Why, no. l've come over to bury the hatchet.
Live and let live--
that's my motto.
- Come on. Have a drink.
- Matter of fact, l wanted
a word in private with you.
- Sure. Come on in my office.
- See you in a minute, Rondo.
Rondo, step up to the bar.
Anything you want, on the house.
Thank you, Mr. O'Leary.
- How old are you, son?
- Old enough to vote. Why?
l was just thinking,
you've come along mighty fast.
When l was your age,
do you know what l was doing?
l was rounding up runaway slaves
and practically starving to death.
- Sit down, Gil.
- Take it from me, times have changed.
- Everything's youth today.
- Well, you seem to have done pretty well, Gil.
l've managed, but you've got a great future
ahead of you. Mark my words.
Well, l hope you're right.
l don't blame you for taking Belle.
She's a great woman.
l'd have married her if l'd had the chance,
but she never cared for me.
- lt was just a business deal,
and y,ou outbid me.
- What's on your mind?
What would you say, son, if l told you
l was gonna close The Hub, quit?
l'd say you were up to something.
What is it?
l'm thinking of
running for mayor.
l've been electing them
long enough.
Now l'm going to elect myself,
if you'll ride along with me.
- How do l come in?
- You're a smart young fella.
lf you watch your step, you're going
to be a big power in this town.
l could build a bigger place and give you
trouble, but l've had all l want of this.
- You say the word, and l'm through.
- You close The Hub?
Exactly, and give you
an open field.