Now, we either work together
politically or fight it out.
lt's up to you.
lt's a nice place you have here,
but, like a tinder box...
touch a match to it, and it'll go off
like a Roman candle.
But what the devil? Chicago is big enough
for both of us and more.
Together we could run
this town and run it right.
You, Belle and me pulling together,
it'd be a lead pipe cinch.
Yeah. Sounds all right.
But naturally there's a little expense
involved, and right now with the--
l took the liberty of bringing
my check for $1 0,000.
There'll be more between now
and election time.
l think we'll manage
very well, Your Honor.
Now l could use that drink
you were talking about.
Come on.
Now, Belle, you've got to come
to my table right now...
and have a bottle
of wine with me.
l'd love to, but you'll have to
excuse me for one minute.
Hello. l thought l
saw you come in here.
l was just telling Dion
what a great place you've got.
l never saw you
looking so beautiful.
- l always did say she was the
best looker Chicago ever saw.
- Thanks.
Better watch yourself, son.
l'll get her back if l can.
- But it looks like it won't be to The Hub.
- Gil's closing The Hub for good.
Really? Why?
There's the music for your song.
Better hurry.
Dion'll tell you
all about it later.
Whew! What a woman.
Yes, that's exactly what
l said the first time l saw her. Remember?