He just looks so real, you know
he believes everything he says.
Honestly, it just makes me sick
to think of a man like Gil Warren...
trying to run Chicago when there
are men here like your brother.
Can you imagine the mayor
he'd make if he had the chance?
Well, if he hadn't gotten mixed up
with that reform crowd--
Wait a minute.
- l've got an idea.
- What?
l just thought what do with that check
Gil Warren gave me.
Back to The Senate.
ln brief, we've come here
to ask you to run for mayor.
- What?
- We have canvassed the field,
and you're the man we want.
Well, this is all
very flattering, gentlemen.
May l-- May l ask
whom you represent?
The respectable
people of Chicago...
citizens who want a new deal
in our city administration.
We're organizing
a reform party.
- l'm not sure l'm the man.
- We're willing to take that chance.
- lt's a great opportunity.
- Decent people are waiting
for an honest program.
You'll carry every district, except,
perhaps, Gil Warren's Patch.
l'm not so sure
he won't get that too.
Your brother's influential there.
Surely he'll support you.
l'm afraid you can't
count on my brother.
You see, we O'Learys
are a strange tribe.
- Then we'll win without the Patch.
- Chicago needs you.
- Yes, Mr. O'Leary.
- Will you do it, sir?
Thank you, gentlemen.
l'll run.
What did he say when you suggested
that l would support him?
He said he's afraid he couldn't figure on you.
Well, at least he's agreed to run.
That's the first step.
What worries me is,
can you control him once he's in?
He's a pretty stubborn
young fellow.
You leave that to me.
We O'Learys are a strange tribe.
- How's that?
- Not bad.
Of course, it doesn't
look much like you.
"Jack O'Leary, candidate for mayor.
Reform ticket."
That's a great thing for Chicago.
l'd like to help.