Hurt bad?
Drink some cognac.
From Fouquet's.
Here's mud in your eye.
Don't drop the bottle.
Who goes down tomorrow?
You do, sir... if you don't mind.
My pleasure. I understand
crawling is fine exercise.
I remind you it is strictly forbidden
to receive non-military clothing.
Good news?
It's from my aunt in Bordeaux.
People are swarming into town.
What do you think?
They'd better watch out,
the Germans are claiming
a major breakthrough.
There's been no bell-ringing
so it can't mean much.
Up for some gardening?
I hate the way
German bulletins exaggerate.
And our papers don't?
Remember the "Russian steamroller"?
Isn't it time we got down
to serious business?
Sure, but not all at once.