Lost Horizon

There are some things, my dear Conway,
I deeply regret I may not discuss.

That's the fourth time you've said that.
You should record it.

Let's go inside.
I'd like to show you our rare treasures.

-Good afternoon.
-Excuse me, I--

Please, don't go.
Tea will be served any moment.
Won't you come in?
My name is Maria.
Won't you sit down?
By the way,
what religion do you follow here?

To put it simply, I should say
that our general belief was in moderation.

We preach the virtue
of avoiding excesses of every kind.

Even including excess of virtue itself.
That's intelligent.
In the valley, it makes for better happiness
among the natives.

We rule with moderate strictness...
...and in return, we are satisfied
with moderate obedience.

As a result, our people are
moderately honest, moderately chaste...

...and somewhat more
than moderately happy.

How about law and order?
You have no soldiers or police?

Good heavens, no!
How do you deal
with incorrigibles, criminals?

We have no crime here.
What makes a criminal?
Lack, usually. Avariciousness, envy.
The desire to possess
something owned by another.
