Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

-Here it comes.
-Now's our chance.

Hit it, now.
-Give it to 'im.
-Don't let him get away!

Take that, and that, and that!
Hold on there,
i-it's only Dopey.

-Did you see it?
-How big is it?

-Was it a dragon?
-Has it got horns?

-Was it breathing fire?
-Was it droolin'?

What was it doin'?
He's says it's...a monster...
asleep in our beds!

-Let's attack.
-While it's sleeping.
-Yeah, while it's sleeping.

-Hurry, men, it's now or never.
-Off with its head.

-Break its bones.
-Chop it to pieces.

We'll kill it dead.
-Jiminy Crickets.

-Gee, what a monster.
-Covers three beds.

-Let's kill it before it wakes up.
-Which end do we kill?


-Well, uh, uh--
-What is it?

Why, i-it's a girl!
She's mighty pretty.
She's beautiful.
Just like a angel.
