Hah! Mush.
Some day when spring is here
We'll find our love anew
And the birds will sing
And wedding bells will ring
Some day when my dreams
Come true
Oh, my goodness,
it's past bedtime.
Go right upstairs to bed.
Wait! Hold on there, men.
The, uh, Princess will
sleep in our beds upstairs.
-But... where will you sleep?
- Oh, we'll be quite
comfortable down here..
- in, uh, in, uh--
- In a pig's eye!
"In a pig's eye--"
Sty-- No! No! I mean--
We'll be comfortable,
won't we, men?
Oh, yes, mighty comfortable.
Now, don't you
worry about us.
-We'll be all right.
-Go right up now,
uh, uh, my dear.
Well, if you insist.
Good night.
Good night, Princess.
You're sure
you'll be comfortable?
Oh, yes,
very comfortable.
Well, pleasant dreams.
Pleasant dreams.
-Let go!
-Now, men, don't get excited. Remember...
share and share alike.