Stella Dallas

Hey, the boss just phoned.
He's at Millhampton Junction.

He said to tell you the Parker contract
is right in his vest pocket.

He was chirping like a bird.
Said he'll be here in a few minutes,
but just wanted to tell you.

Hey, ain't you interested?
Yes, I'm glad Mr. Beamer
got the contract.

You oughta be.
He was chirping like a bird.

You know how he does on the telephone.
He said to put you down for a raise.

You can have that vacation now.
How's that?
I don't need a vacation now.
I have no place to go.

Oh, nothing.
I beg your pardon.
Could you tell me where I
could find Charlie Martin?

He works on the carting machine.
Oh, yes.
The carting machines.

Why, they're closed down just now.
He'd be out in the yard, most likely.

I tell you what you do-- Go back through
the corridor the way you came in.

Instead of coming up those stairs...
