- Stephen.
- Yes, dear?
A dance at the River Club
tomorrow night.
I think I can wear
my blue dress.
- I'll let it out a little at the top.
- You don't want to go dancing already.
Before I went to the hospital,
I was stuck in this house...
for four solid months
without going anywheres.
We just got in to the River Club.
All my life I've died to go to the real
places and get in with the right crowd.
Just when I got a chance to get started,
I have to give it all up.
We'll go next time.
I don't want to go next time.
I want to go this time.
Stephen, I won't dance much.
I promise.
I just want to get a wave
and a manicure...
and get all dressed up again
and go hear some music...
and forget all about doctors
and hospitals and nurses.
And babies?
Ah, but Stephen, please.
Why, you're a wonderful dancer,
Mr. Munn.
If I'm any judge of horse flesh,
you don't shake a mean leg yourself.
Who's that she's dancing with?
He's pretty good too.
- I really don't know.
- His name is Munn.
He has something to do
with horse races.
The girls invite him over for golf,
and he gives them tips.
How'd you come to get hooked up
to a table like that?
They're some business friends
of my husband's.
Business friends?
What is he, an undertaker?
Get him to ditch that bunch of moss bags
and come over and join us.
Spencer Chandler's table?
We don't even know him.
Well, that won't take long.
- You know what he said after our dance?
- No. What?
He said, "Ed--"
He always calls me Ed.
"You can pick winners on a dance floor
better than you can on a racetrack."
Yeah? Ah, go on.
Don't red apple me.
No, on the level.
I'll prove it to you.