Stella Dallas

- Oh, you remember Mr. Munn.
- How do you do?

- And Carrie Jenkins.
- Yes, how do you do?

I'll be getting along.
- Yes, darling.
- That's a fine baby you got there.

- Thank you. I think so.
- I gotta be going too, Ed.

Me too.
Just a minute.
I'll see you to the door.

Thanks for the good time.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.

Stella, I can't have our child
living this way.

- What's wrong this time?
- It's not just this time.

Because there was a couple of drinks?
What's wrong with that?

Coming in here with that
icebergy way of yours.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be rude.

But she's my child, too,
and I won't have this.

I hadn't wanted to take Laurel
away from you, but if you--

Take her away from me?
What are you talking about?
How dare you say such a thing?
Give her to me.

- Give her to me, I say!
- You mustn't do this.

Watch out!
You're hurting her!

Get out.
Did he frighten
Mommy's little girl?

Don't you cry.
Mommy's right here.
Mommy won't let anybody hurt you.

There, there.
You're here with Mommy, and nobody
in the world will ever take you away.

