Mercy on me you powerfuI ones!
I starve and my woman starve,
and there's no one
to give me a handfuI of rice!
There's one who has pIenty,
but he's a rich man!
And rich's hardened the heart,
soften his heart
o powerfuI ones,
that he may give me a IittIe
out of his abundance!
WouId not a man seII his Iands
unIess he has foods
to give his chiIdren?
He has food! And I starve!
He has food! And these good men starve!
WeII, what?
You have food! We're starving!
You have food! Food!
I have nothing!
I dig for roots, for my chiIdren
You have food hidden! Food and siIver!
Food? Find it!
He's got it he's got it!
Wong Loong has food!
I toId you, he has food!
But...it's earth!
It takes hunger, and it's warm