The Life of Emile Zola

Lawfully convicted of a crime
he did not commit.

Oh, Monsieur Zola...
:57:06're the only man in all of France
who can make them listen.

All your life, you've stood
for truth and justice.

I'm hardly the man to help you. I...
I'm just an ordinary citizen, and l...
Besides, I have my work,
my books to write. I can't...

What is this new proof
you say you have?

- A certain Colonel Picquart...
- Oh, that.

It was all in the papers.
Picquart came back from Africa...

...and accused Esterhazy of writing
the bordereau.

Esterhazy was acquitted.
Of course he was. Acquitted by the same
army group that convicted my husband.

But don't you see?
They had to acquit Esterhazy...

:57:49 save the face of the general staff.
They'll stop at nothing...

:57:52 protect themselves,
even to sacrificing one of their own class.

That's fantastic. Childish, madame.
The general staff has more important work
to do than...

What do you mean,
"sacrificing one of their own class"?

Colonel Picquart has been arrested
and imprisoned in Mount Valerien.

They've arrested Picquart?
Well, why?
- What had he done?
- Nothing.

Nothing except speak the truth.
But, madame, we must deal in facts,
not irony.

I have all the facts, Monsieur Zola. Here.
These are letters written to Picquart
by the assistant chief of staff...

...proving beyond doubt
that the general staff knows...

:58:36 husband is innocent
and Esterhazy is guilty.

Well, why weren't these used
in the Esterhazy court-martial?

Colonel Picquart's a good soldier.
He kept silent at the command
of his superiors.

You mean they knew...
...and ordered him to suppress the truth?
Why, that's monstrous.
Oh, Monsieur Zola, you will help,
won't you?
