Hey, this thing
ain't working right.
It's working all right for me.
Mary! Mary Roberts!
Get busy now. Here he is again.
What's up with you?
Why aren't you helping Lola?
I'm sorry, sir,
but the dishes...
Bother the dishes. You've got to
help her make her changes.
- Yes, sir.
- Now get going.
Come on, get going,
get going. Go on!
We want Lola! We want Lola!
Gentlemen, it's my aim
to give you the best
entertainment money can buy.
I've brought here
at great expense...
Get a piece of fat
and slide off!
Who said that?
All right, you'll get Lola.
Hurry, they're getting restless.
- I gotta look good.
- They shot at me!
- Aw, quit your whining.
- Hurry!
If we ever get enough money,
we'll leave this one-horse tank.
Come on, hurry.
- How do I look?
- Like a million.
# Say, I've been roamin'
from Frisco to Maine
# Been huntin' a man
that's not too tame
# He's gotta have somethin'
I need a lot
# Baby, dear,
that's what you've got
# Will you be my lovey-dovey,
my little honey man?