Young and Innocent

-Good morning
-Good morning

I'm Briggs. Lovely morning
We mustn't be downhearted on a
morning like this, must we?

It does one good to see the sun,
doesn't it?

My wife was saying only this

Henry, don't be so gloomy about
the case, she said

-Nice of her!
-Wasn't it?

We hadn't had a case like this
for... twelve years

Hardly to be expected in a little
place of this sort

Mostly affiliation orders and
things like that

No, a case like this is most
exciting for us all

Wouldn't it be a good thing to
talk it over?

Well, it can't do any actual harm
There will be plenty of time
before the trial

-The trial?
-Oh, I'm afraid so

Oh, dear, dear, dear
Well now, where was l?
Oh, yes! Yes. Well now...

Well, it doesn't look too good,
does it?

However, we mustn't be
depressed about it

Now, take this point
Those two girls that saw you
running away

-Why were you running away?
-I wasn't

No? Well, it certainly looked
very like it

I mean, that's going to be very
hard to explain away

Like the money that poor dead
creature left you

That's going to be hard to
explain away too

Yes, that... that looks very like
a motive to me

However, we mustn't despair. Not
actually despair. Non desperandum

Oh, now I should be very much

Oh, much, much happier... if it
were not for that belt

Oh, dear me, that belt
I wish I could go out and find
that blasted coat!

I swear it was stolen at Tom's

-You lost your hat too?
-Oh, no

Oh, well, that's something
Oh, yes, that's quite a good
point! Or isn't it?
