Tom's Hat is a common shelter on
the main Crompton Road
If only I could get my coat with
the belt, the police would...
...realize what a colossal blunder
they're making!
Well, of course I'll do
everything I can for you
Though I wish you had been more
frank with the police about it
It always pays to be frank with
the police. However...
Are you representing the police,
by any chance?
Oh, dear me, no, my dear fellow,
I'm on your side
Tell me, when they searched you,
did they leave you your money?
Oh, yes, Sir...
Two pounds and three schillings
I wonder if it would be asking
too much if I could have...
...a trifle on account
Certainly, how much?
Well, I thought perhaps a couple
of pounds?
Oh, thank you!
Yes, it would be a great pity if
you hadn't any money
Counselling costs a great deal,
you know?
However, perhaps you've got some
friends who will come to your...
...rescue at the last minute
-Your case next, Mr. Briggs
-Oh, dear...
Oh, dear me, I just mislaid my
You know, I'm quite lost without
Ask them to delay the procedure
for me a little while, will you?
I shan't be able to read my notes
We mustn't be depressed on a
day like this, must we?
Hold on a minute, the other case
has just finished
Yes, yes, well, we needn't go
into that
Mrs. Bessons, do you really want
a separation order?
Oh, no, Sir, but I don't him
to carry on
Mr. Bessons, will you promise me
to behave yourself in future?
Aye, I will, Sir.
Maybe I were a bit hasty
Well, I shall bind you over to
keep the peace for six months
Sir, can't you make it eight
months to carry me over Christmas?
-No, that'll do.
-Next case, please
-Come straight home
-I'm off to see an old pal
Yes, your old pals at King's