Young and Innocent

You mind if I eat?
Talking about shelters, this is
more than I can bear

Twenty four hours since I had
the police station tea

No table
You wouldn't trust a murderer
like me with a knife, eh?

It isn't that at all, l...
I just forgot it

There you are, you see?
You don't believe I'm a murderer

Now, where was l?
Oh, yes

Christine Clay was strangled with
a belt from a raincoat

I knew her and can't produce my
raincoat, it was stolen

But I'm going to find it with its
belt, you will see

-Then I shall be cleared
-Did you...?

-What were you going to say?
-No, nothing, it doesn't matter

No, go on, what were you going
to say?

Did you know Christine Clay
very well?

No. I met her in Hollywood
She liked a story I wrote and
asked me to write another...

...that's all
I went to her cottage three or
four times to talk things over

Beyond that...
-See that?

A bit of paper coming out of
the old mill

-Someone's in there
-Perhaps it's...

Yes. Come on
We were on good terms but I'd
never dream she'd go as far as...

:29:42 leave me something in
her will

-Is that your dog?
-Yes, why?

-What's it barking for?
-Well, he wants dinner, I suppose

Grab hold of him
-Yes, get on with it

What if he bites me?
In the course of duty you might
get a stripe
