The search is well underway
He's probably forced her to go
to Ashcroft Forest
There'll be less chance for him
to be found there
We're combing the forest
now, Sir
It's all right, my dear, we're
perfectly safe here
We'll hide here for a bit
The whole thing will be over in
a couple of hours or so
We'll shake hands and you'll
never see me again
Won't l?
Oh, you needn't see me again
-Put your coat on
-It's all right
Now you do as I tell you.
I know exactly how you feel
You see no end.
You don't believe it's true
The night always exaggerates
things, doesn't it?
Personally, I like the night,
it's much more alive than the day
Look at those people on that
train. Eating... actually eating
I'll tell you what. I'll scout
about for some food, shall l?
No, we'll wait. We'll wait till
the coat is safe in our hands...
...and then we'll eat, and how!
Straight to a seven course dinner
Seven helpings and champagne
Well, I'm going now.
I shan't be long
And off we'll go before their
goggling eyes
And then I'll carry you all the
way home
Well, now off to the lodging
I'll pinch the rover man's hat