Say, that ain't a bad-looking doll,
that one in the middle.
- The one with the pretzel legs.
- He means you, Laury.
- Why, the fresh...
- Don't be so smart-alecky, Rocky Sullivan.
- Go on. Beat it, pigtails.
- Trying to show off, ain't you?
- Scram, before I wipe the street with you.
- You better wipe your nose first.
- Is that so? I'll fix you.
- You better scram. You know the Rocky.
- Come on.
- Leave me alone, I can handle him.
Wait till I get down there. I'll fix you.
- I'll slap you down.
- Oh! Why, you, you...
Shut up.
Come on. Let's get out of here,
dig up some corn.
You won't get away with that, Rocky.
I'll get even someday. You just wait.
Say, maybe this winter we can
hop a freight to Florida.
They say you can go swimming there,
even in January.
Sure, we can even hop one to California
if we wanted to.
Look here, "Rubelin Coal Company,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."
It's too bad it ain't winter. We could
grab a couple bags of those coals.
"Everwrite Fountain Pen Company."
I wonder what's in there.
Come on. Let's take a look.
It's loaded full of cases.
Fountain pens. Hundreds of them.
- We can break that easy.
- We shouldn't, we don't need those pens.
- It ain't like stealing coal to keep warm.
- We can sell them.
Now, listen.
What we don't take, we ain't got.
Look around. See what you can find
to break that lock.
All right, whoever's in here,
come on out.
Come on out, I say!
- What's the trouble?
- Just a couple of kids. I heard them.