- I'll take the room. What's the tariff?
- Five dollars a week.
- Sold.
- In advance.
All right.
Write me a receipt.
You can trust me.
How did you happen to come
to this house?
Looking for references, huh?
An old friend of mine sent me over here.
Jerry Connolly, the priest from the parish.
- You know him?
- Father Jerry?
Yeah. Does that send me in?
Oh, I get it now. You're Rocky Sullivan.
- Yeah.
- Remember me?
- No.
- Laury Martin?
Laury Martin? That little fresh kid
with the pigtails?
Well, hello. What do you hear?
What do you say?
- Hey! Wait a minute!
- I've waited 15 years to do that!
I wanna see Jim Frazier.
- I wanna see Frazier.
- He's busy.
- I'll wait.
- Who are you?
- Rocky Sullivan.
- Oh. Come on.
Number one. Clear the board.