...a tomato comes from in police college.
Hello, toots. You want the bottle?
You want the bottle? Oh, nuts.
Hey! What are you doing with my baby?
"Hey! What are you doing with my baby?"
Here's your baby!
- You loafer! I'll get the cops after you!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The way he talks, you'd think
he had something there.
Excuse me.
Hey. Look at the dude.
- Come on. Let's give him the works.
- All right, kiddo.
- Hey, watch out!
- Give me that!
I'll make you eat that ball in a minute!
All right, come on! Let's go!
Like taking candy from a baby.
How'd you get it, Crab?
I hoisted it over the transom
in the alley and dropped it.
- The corner caught me right in the dome.
- So long as it didn't break the machine.
Boy, we'll be in the money now.
Six nickels and two slugs.
Imagine crooks like that?
Putting slugs in a slot machine.
- Chiselers.
- I'm gonna break this thing...
Pipe down.
- It's only Soapy and the gang.
- That's good.
Hi, Soapy!
- Soapy, look what we got.
- You should see the hook I got.
It's the most I got in my life.
- We got a sucker's poke.
- No kidding!
- Come on. Dish it out. Time's a-wasting.
- What's the matter, crabbing already?
- Give me air! Give me air!
- How much you got there, Soapy?
- Let me see. Ten, 20, 30, 35...
- Gee! There must be more than 100 there!