- A hundred nothing. We're in the big chips.
- Wow, what a haul!
"Wow, what a haul!"
- Six ways! Don't forget, six ways!
- You'll get yours.
- What, are you grabbing already?
- Come on. Come on. Give me, Soapy.
- Oh, that looks nice.
- Oh, my!
We split half, all right?
- Hey, I didn't get mine!
- You bunch of chiselers!
Stick them up!
You're all covered.
Give us a break, mister.
We wasn't there.
We had nothing to do with it.
- Say your prayers, mugs.
- On the level, mister!
Shut up, rats!
Stop your squealing.
- Who's the leader?
- I am.
Come here.
Collect that dough, and fast.
Come on. Hand it over.
You too. Come on.
Now get them up and turn around.
- Hey!
- Hey! What's the matter?
Next time you roll a guy for his poke,
make sure he don't know your hideout.
How did you know?
Come here, suckers.
- How do you know this place so good?
- Yeah, how do you know?
Let me show you. Here.
Look at this.
- "R.S."?
- Hey, you ain't Rocky Sullivan!
Rocky Sullivan!
Hey, did you get that?
It's Rocky Sullivan!
We tried to hook you! What a boner!
When you saw us duck down the alley...
...you knew we was headed to the hideout.
- I took the old shortcut.
- What do they call you?
- Soapy's the name. He's Bim.
This mug here's Swing.
This palooka up here's Hunky.