- What happened?
- Here you are. Right here.
Run! Run!
- Free throw!
- That's not fair. He didn't do nothing.
That's it.
- Come on! Take it down!
- I got my man!
You do that again,
you're out of the game.
- I didn't do nothing. He's screwy.
- Give us a break.
- What's the matter?
- Can't even shove a guy in this game?
What do you mean, shove a guy?
It's a free throw. Gibby, take it.
That's not fair!
- Hey, dribble that ball and pass it.
- Dribble that.
That big bozo just stuck his belly out.
You boys know better than that. You
committed technical and personal fouls.
Stop it. You've got six men on the floor.
Pasty, get off the floor.
- Somebody take care of that trapeze.
- Just me good deed for today.
All right. Red out.
Here. Watch this.
- Make a few notes.
- All right, boys!
Mr. Sullivan's gonna referee.
- Don't forget about that bet.
- Go on.
- Get off the floor!
- What am I, an orphan?
Now! Get going! All right.
- Don't forget. According to rules.
- Yeah.
- Throw it to me.
- Here we go.
What's the matter with you?
Don't raise your hand to me.