Angels with Dirty Faces

Come on. Faster.
Now get in there, and get in deep.
Answer that phone.
Right over there, officer!
- What do you know?
- Never saw him before.

He asked for a prescription.
Said he left it yesterday.

I couldn't remember.
He said his name was Peterson.

Clean it out! Clear out!
Come on. Hurry it up.
Hey, can you see him?
There must be 100 holes in him.

Who do you think done it, Soapy?
- On your way! Beat it! Clear out of here!
- Who do you think you're pushing?

Hello, Frazier.
This is Bugs.
Everything's fixed. We got him.
That's good.
All right, drop out of sight
for a couple of days.

- Rocky.
- Yeah. Rocky.

I ain't dead yet. Give me those keys.
Get going.

Open it up.
