Angels with Dirty Faces

My old man never made that much in his life
working for the Department of Sanitation.

- Hey, how much you got there, Soapy?
- About 100.

A hundred? How come?
It's twice as much as I got.

- You wanna make something out of it?
- No. No.

- He deserves it. Why you starting trouble?
- You pull in your ears.

What are we gonna do with it?
It's burning a hole through my hands.
I'm gonna get me a pair
of chromium-plated brass knuckles.

- Come on!
- Let's go!

- Can I come in, Rocky?
- Yeah. Yeah.

Wait a minute, Jerry.
Just a second! I wanna dry me hands.
- Hello, Jerry.
- Hello, Rocky.

- What do you hear? What do you say?
- What do you say?

You know, you gave me a terrific scare.
Before I finished reading about your arrest,
they said you were out.

Nothing to it. You know how it is
with a guy with a record.

Haul him in because you have
nothing else to do.

- They didn't keep you very long.
- What are you worrying about?

- Plenty.
- What's up?

The boys had a return game today,
and they haven't shown up.

I can't locate them.
- Thought you might know where they were.
- How would I? Am I a nursemaid?

No, Rocky. I didn't mean that.
Thought they might be up here
celebrating your release.

With them, it's kind of a hero worship.
You can't blame them for that, can you?
Rocky, why don't you tell me
what it's all about.

Look, Jerry, I've been answering
a lot of questions all morning, see.

A lot of them.
Frazier and me were just away
on a business trip.

Some dope wanted to start trouble and
have a laugh on the cops at the same time.
