- All right, close your eyes.
- I got big problems to figure out...
tremendous ones.
So button it up and do your stuff.
Now you just ruminate
about those big plans.
You just grow up to be one of them
big, strong, silent type of men.
You know, things ain't going to stay dead
around this place, not for long.
I'm looking the gang over
to see who's all right for my big plans.
I believe in organization.
And when I start picking my gang...
you'd better hop on the bandwagon,
There's roll call.
- Roll call? Where's that?
- Right back at the dormitory.
- I'll finish you later.
- All right.
Here, buddy, keep the change.
- Morris!
- Here, sir!
- Murphy!
- Here, sir!
Whitey Marsh!
Whitey Marsh.
- Here.
- Here, sir.
Here, sir.
Why, that...
- Mr. Mayor, if it please the court.
- Yes, Father Flanagan.
Whitey, the laws of Boys Town are made
by this body and enforced by this body.
The law doesn't require anything of a boy
that isn't good for all of us.
We have to respect each other
if we're going to like each other...