Boys Town

and living here together as we all do...
we have to like each other
if we're going to get along.

We've been years building up the rules
that we live by...

and if you break them, you have to answer
for it here, in our court.

You cannot escape it in Boys Town.
Mo, there was a fight
in your barber shop this morning.

Yes, sir.
- That was no fight.
- I'll get to you in a minute.

- Well, he came slamming in my shop...
- Who struck the first blow?

The first blow? What, are you kidding?
There was only one blow.

Careful, Whitey. There are extra charges
for contempt of court.

He started riding me
the second he struck here.

Last night in the dormitory, he...
Well, he kept on doing it.
Then this morning he comes into my shop,
and he says:

"Hey, White-Wings,
gimme a haircut, a massage...

"the whole works, baby,
the whole works."

He sent me out
looking like a mammy singer...

and I don't take that from anybody.
That's why I sloughed him.
- Any questions?
- No questions.

- Did you ever milk a cow?
- Did I ever what?

It'll take him a day or so to learn.
For a month you will milk one cow a day,
night and morning.

You mean that I'm gonna have to...
The second month, two cows a day.
That's for contempt of court.
May I suggest that for the fight
they seem equally guilty?

What's the moving picture
for tomorrow night?

- Buck Rides Again.
- Gee whiz.

You will both attend the movie.
Hot dog.
You will stand in front of the hall
with your backs to the screen...

while we watch the show.
Mr. Mayor, before you dismiss them...
come on now, boys, no hard feelings.
Shake hands.

Okay. Shake the hand
that's going to milk 90 cows, kid.

Next case.
Goodnight, gentlemen.
I seen that picture, anyway.
I seen it in Madison.

- No good?
- Terrible.

Buck rides over the hill, shoots a bandit,
rides back over the hill...

scoops up the gal,
they all live happy ever after, nothing to it.

Hey, a pool room.
Come on in, I'll shoot you a game.

No, you can't. That's for the Mayor
and the Commissioners.

Those guys got it pretty soft, ain't they?
