Why, of all places,
when you have a leopard in the car...
did you stop in a town
where there's a circus?
I didn't stop because there's a circus,
but Baby's going to be hungry.
Please hurry.
If Baby wakes up, we'll be in trouble.
I don't suppose it will make any difference,
but you're parked in front of a fireplug.
I know it. Don't worry.
I'll take care of everything. You go ahead.
50c, $1.00. Thank you.
Yes. What can I do for you?
I want 30 pounds of sirloin steak, please.
Did you say 30 pounds?
- Yes, that's right, 30 pounds.
- How will you have it cut?
- Just in one piece.
- You going to roast it or broil it?
- It's going to be eaten raw.
- Yeah.
Hey, lady. That's a fireplug.
I know it.
- It's against the law to park alongside one.
- I know it.
- Come here.
- Who, me? Why?
I am Constable Slocum.
Is that so?
- How do you do? I'm Susan Vance.
- How do you do?
I don't care who you are, I just want you
to know you can't park beside a fireplug.
- I was just watching the parade.
- You were?
I suppose you get free seats to the circus.
Elmer and I usually get a...
That has nothing to do with it.
I'm just going to give you a ticket.
Thank you very much.
I'd love to go to the circus...
but you better keep your tickets
because I'm busy tonight.
Yeah? Well, it ain't that kind of a ticket.
Young lady, it might interest you
to know that you're under arrest.
Oh, well. I mean, why?
For parking alongside of a fireplug.
I'm not parked next to a fireplug.
Yeah? What do you call that?
You mean that you think
that this is my car?