- My intercostal clavicle.
- Your what?
My bone. It's rare. It's precious.
What did you do with it?
Your bone?
- You had it. Give it to me.
- I haven't got it.
- Did you carry it somewhere?
- Why would I carry a bone around?
I wouldn't dare give a reason
for anything you do.
I guess you'll have to find another one.
It took three expeditions
and five years to find that one!
Now that they know where to find one,
couldn't you send them back for another?
Susan, you had it.
You took it out of the box.
- Where did you put it?
- I put it back in the box.
- Was there somebody else in the room?
- There was nobody else, but...
- George.
- Who's George?
The dog. Don't you see? Dog, bone.
- George!
- George!
Stop it! You sound like an echo.
- George!
- Nice George.
Did you see him?
- See who?
- George.
Are those the only clothes you could find?
Come back here this minute.
What are you doing?
- Hunting for George.
- Why?
David wants him.
David thinks he's such a nice dog.
George? He's a fiend, and you know it.
- But David doesn't.
- Come here!
He's definitely not in the house.
That's settled.
Don't do that. He knows you want him.
He'll hide.
Susan, where's he apt to go?
- George is apt to go anywhere.
- No. Where does he hide things?
- How can I tell?
- You ought to know.
There he is! George!
My goodness, look at his nose.
He's been digging. He's buried it.
There are 26 acres in this garden.
That's awful.
George, where did you hide that bone?
No, David, not that way.
Now, George, we're not angry.
David and Susan need that bone.
It's a nasty old bone,
it's hundreds of years old.
That's David's bone.
Susan will get you a nice, fresh bone
if you'll show us where it is.