Don't tell me you're looking for a leopard.
How did you know that?
- Know what?
- That we're looking for a leopard.
This has gone far enough.
There are no leopards in the state of...
- Get down, everybody!
- That's a bad cat. Somebody get a gun.
Hold on, don't be alarmed.
There's no need to be frightened.
Everything's going to be all right.
Hello, Baby.
- Is this my leopard?
- Yes. That's Baby.
He didn't act that way with me.
Wait a minute. That ain't my leopard.
Of course it isn't.
That's why I took it out of the truck.
You never let that one out of the truck.
You couldn't touch our cat
with a 10-foot pole.
You mean there's another leopard?
That's what I'm telling you.
Our cat came from the circus.
He just clawed a man.
He's bad.
My goodness! Susan's out
trying to catch the wrong leopard.
Poor darling Susan. She's in danger,
and she's helpless without me.
What's the matter with you?
Come on.
If you don't want to walk, I'll drag you.
You've got to get me out of this, Baby.
What's the matter? You've been slapping
at me the whole way.
We've got to get in here. You might
as well come without being stubborn...
because I'm going to drag you in.
I'm just as determined as you are,
so you might just as well come with me.
I'm going to drag you in here.
I don't like jail any more than you do,
but this is where we've got to be.
Did I fool you this time!
You thought I was doing the wrong thing,
but I've got him.
No, you haven't, Susan. Look!
Boys! Don't leave me in here!