I'm sure they'll be very pleased.
Aren't you pleased, David?
- Yes, I suppose so, but...
- It's too late, isn't it?
I've made a mess of everything, haven't I?
I was so happy
when I found the bone this morning.
If I could only make you understand.
All that happened, happened because
I was trying to keep you near me.
I just did anything
that came into my head.
I'm so sorry.
I ought to thank you.
- Thank me?
- Yes.
For what?
I've just discovered that was the best day
I ever had in my whole life.
- You don't mean it?
- I've never had a better time.
- But I was there.
- That's what made it so good.
- Did you really have a good time?
- Yes, I did!
That's wonderful.
Do you realize what that means?
That means that you must like me
a little bit.
- It's more than that.
- Is it?
Yes. I love you, I think.
That's wonderful because I love you, too.
Stop rocking, David.
I'm not rocking. I...
Please, the brontosaurus!
Four years' work went into this.
- Look out, Susan, something's going to...
- I'm falling!
Hold on, Susan! Hold on! Don't let go!
David, look what I've done.
I'm so sorry.
David, can you ever forgive me?
You can, and you still love me.
- Susan, that...
- You do.