There lies Linda the artist.
Don't disturb the ashes.
Frankly, I stank.
What did you try
after you discovered you couldn't paint?
-Case, are you drawing me out?
-Sure. Come on.
-You really want to know?
Well, I tried to go on the stage.
Would you care to see me
do the sleepwalking scene from Macbeth?
-"Out, damned spot!"
-No, some other time.
The teachers at Miss Porter's School
thought it was very promising.
-What else?
-There were lots of humorous episodes.
I tried to get Father
to let me take a nursing course at a hospital.
Yes, and I almost got arrested
trying to help some strikers over in Jersey.
How was I to know that Father was
on the board of directors of the company?
You see, Case, the trouble with me
is that I never could decide...
...whether I wanted to be Joan of Arc,
Florence Nightingale or John L. Lewis.
-What's the matter, you fed up?
-To the neck.
Even with this million-dollar museum?
All those marble pillars down there?
Case, compared to the life I lead...
...the last man in a chain gang
thoroughly enjoys himself.
What you need's some time off from
what you've been doing day in, day out.
You mean from what I've not been doing
days in, please, years out.
How does your garden grow, Case?
Is life wonderful where you are?
It can be.
-But it hasn't been?
-I don't call what I've been doing "living."
-What do you recommend for yourself?
-A holiday.
-For how long?
-For as long as I need.
-You mean just to play?
-No, I've been working since I was 10.
I want to find out why I'm working.
The answer can't be just to pay bills
or pile up more money.
Even if you do,
the government takes most of it.
-But what is the answer?
-That's what I intend to find out.
The world is changing out there.
There's new exciting ideas running around.
Some right, some cock-eyed,
but they are affecting our lives.
I want to know how I stand, where I fit in,
what all this will mean to me.
I can't find that out sitting behind a desk
in an office.
I'm going to get money together,
and then knock off.
I want to save part of my life for myself.
There's a catch to it though,
it's got to be part of the young part.