-Who's that?
-That is my husband, Nick Potter.
You can come in, too. Close the door.
Who lives here?
I live here.
I live here, in a manner of speaking.
I see.
You wouldn't eat your oatmeal this morning,
so they won't let you go to the party?
I'm the mad sister, the family problem.
The one they don't speak about.
-Yes, so was I.
-You see what happened to her.
-She had to marry me.
A professor without a cent of money.
So you'd better be a good little girl
and eat your porridge.
-Sit down, will you?
-Thank you.
-My, it's good to be home again.
-Yes, we've had quite a long walk.
-This is a shame, it really is.
I was going to give a party tonight.
I had it all planned.
I was going to....
Well, it was a good idea.
It might have been fun.
-Your sister, Julia.
-Is she anything like you?
Don't worry, she's not at all like me.
-Haven't you met her yet?
You must. Johnny'll be glad to see you.
-But you must. It'll spoil Johnny's party.
-Definitely no.
Definitely no.
My brother, Ned.
I thought
you might want a little cheering up.
Ned, how sweet of you, how really sweet.
I'm a sweet kid. Take this back
to the orchestra leader, please.
My brother, Ned, Mr. and Mrs. Potter.
Friends of Johnny's.
He used to live with us.
We've come to warn his future bride. He
never puts the cap back on the toothpaste.
Then we'll drink a toast to Johnny.
He needs it.
Needs it?
No, I'm wrong. He doesn't need it.
Johnny's doing all right.
-What's on your mind, Ned?
-Nothing's on my mind.
What do you mean,
"Johnny's doing all right?"
I mean he's doing all right.
He's having a whirl.
His hair's slicked down and Father's seeing
that he meets the important people.
My word,
are there important people downstairs?
Frightfully important.
That's why I wanted to give a party up here.