-Maybe they've done it already.
-They'll do it!
-Then let's drink to Bay State Power.
-No, let's drink to Julia.
-Have you met her yet?
If she's anything like her sister....
No, we'll drink to Johnny and Julia and
Bay State Power, love and happiness and....
Here you are.
For the love of Pete,
it's The Witch and Dopey.
I've never been up here before.
It's awfully quaint, isn't it?
We like it.
Linda, are you aware that there's
another party going on in this house?
You mean
that low-class dancehall downstairs?
Don't speak of it.
Excuse me, these are my friends. Professor
and Mrs. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Cram.
How do you do?
You old fox, you.
Sam Hobson's been telling me
about your little haul in Seaboard.
You might have let us in the family in on it.
-There's still time.
-Not the way that stock's acting.
We have an order to buy 60,000 shares...
...for Ross of Bay State Power
all the way up to 30.
-Are you sure of that?
-I took the order myself.
That cinches it.
-Is that it?
-Just about.
Good for you.
Come on!
Good for you.
Have lunch with me at the club on Tuesday.
I think I could help you double your yield.
My dad made me promise
to quit after my first million.
You're probably joking, Professor.
With the help of the right people
in Wall Street...
...you'll make more within two years.
It wouldn't take that long
if we had the right kind of government.
-Like which country for example, Mr. Cram?
-Now no political arguments.
-Let's go downstairs and celebrate.
-Yes, this is a wonderful party.
-I'm not going downstairs.
-Come on, don't be foolish.
-But, Linda, your father said--
-I thought so but I'm not going downstairs.
-Of course if--
-I wouldn't keep anyone who wants to.
If you ask me, this is the worst case
of downright rudeness I've seen.
And has someone asked you?
Come, dear, we can discuss this later.