The Adventures of Robin Hood

I want him taken and hanged. At once,
do you hear? I'll not tolerate...

Open the door!
Who is this, this...?
Sir Robin of Locksley, Your Highness.
Let him approach.
Greetings, Your Highness.
You should teach Gisbourne hospitality.
I no sooner enter his castle doors
with a piece of meat...

...than his starving servants
try to snatch it from me.

You should feed them, Gisbourne.
They'll work better.

With the compliments of your royal
brother, King Richard, God bless him!

By my faith, but you're a bold rascal.
Robin, I like you.
I'm gratified, Your Highness.
I don't think Gisbourne shares
that sentiment, however.

He does look sour.
What's the matter, Gisbourne?
Run out of hangings?

- I know a ripe subject for one.
- Lf you'll excuse me...

Sit down! Sit down, my dear.
He'll not harm you.

Sir Robin, this is
the Lady Marian Fitzwalter.

I hope my lady had a pleasant journey
from London?

What you hope can hardly be important.
What a pity her manners
don't match her looks, Your Highness.

You hear that, gentlemen?
Here's Gisbourne so in love with Marian
he daren't say "boo" to her...

...and this saucy fellow
gives her better than she sends.

My lords and ladies, I would like to
present to you Sir Robin of Locksley.

Sir Robin, permit me to present to you
your host, Sir Guy of Gisbourne...

...and our noble guests.
- I'm deeply honored, Your Highness.
