Mr. Charles is not here.
This is Mrs. Charles speaking.
Mr. Charles and I always work together.
I have an important information.
You come where I tell you.
But understand. I am not a stool pigeon.
- So do not bring any police.
- I see.
What's the address?
I'll be there.
- Hello, Lieutenant.
- Well, how are you, Mr. Charles?
- Things sure pop when you're in town.
- They certainly do.
- Hello, Mr. Van Slack.
- Hi, Guild.
Is this the Smith woman's apartment?
But if your killing was at 1:00 last night
then she's in the clear.
We had a plant here
from before midnight till after 3:00...
- and she was here all the time.
- You sure?
Positive. I was here myself.
How did you happen
to be watching her place?
Well, it turned out to be a false alarm...
but she called me up on the telephone
last night...
and said that there was someone
hanging around, that...
Say, could she have been using me
as an alibi?
Why, she can't do that to me.
Hello, Nick.
Well, nice to see you again, Lieutenant.
Pleased to meet you.
Come on in, sit down.
- I'll go get you a cup of coffee.
- Never mind.
So you picked on me to give you an alibi?
I got to lose a night's sleep
so you can duck a murder rap?
So help me. I never thought
it was going to be murder.
- What did you think?
- I knew Phil was trying to get dough...
out of MacFay, but I never knew
he meant to murder him.
You know it now, don't you?
I don't know anything
that's got anything to do with murders.
Murders? How many other murders
were planned besides MacFay's?
I don't know anything about
anybody's murders being planned.
You're psychic?
You get alibis for murders
you don't even know are going to happen.
I'm never going to need
an alibi for murder...
'cause I'm never going to have anything
to do with murders.
- Where's Church?
- I don't know.