Here is Captain Spaulding
Exploring the Amazon
Here's Godiva, but with her pajamas on
Here is Grover Whelan unveiling the Trylon
Over on the West Coast
We have Treasure Island
Here's Nijinsky doing the rumba
Here's her Social Security Number
Lydia, Lydia, that encyclopedia
Lydia, the champ of them all
She once swept an Admiral
Clear off his feet
The ships on her hips
Made his heart skip a beat
And now the old boy's
In command of the fleet
For he went and married Lydia
I said Lydia
He said Lydia
I said Lydia
We said Lydia
You make a pretty good banker, Gibraltar.
- Jeff's in the next car with the gorilla.
- They should be happy together.
Jeff, are you here?
Boss, what's the matter?
What happened here?
Here, take the other side.
I'll take this side.