I think this
is a silly game!
For that remark,
Ghastly Gussie,
you are reduced from captain
to a common seaman!
How much longer do I have to
be a common seaman, Admiral?
Well, it takes time
to work up.
You know, Digby,
John's a good worker
for a common seaman.
It, uh, it wouldn't be a
good idea to promote him.
That's right, Beau.
He might stop working.
I knew something
would happen.
Are you hit?
Y-Yes, sir.
Well, come ashore.
And bring the ships.
Are you hurt much?
Yeah. No.
Are you all right?
Now be careful.
It hit pretty hard.
Don't bump that leg.
Here we are.
Lie down...
...and we'll examine
the wound.
Do you... Do you want
to bite on a bullet?
That's what they
always do in books.
Will... will I get
promoted if I do?
If you don't shout.
l... I won't shout.
I'm ready,
Sit on him.
Yes, sir.
Wait till Aunt Patricia
hears about this.
There it is.
Bandage him, Isobel.
Look, Digby.
Oh, that must
have hurt going in.
Not half as much
as it did coming out!
You're very brave.
Oh, no, I'm not.
I just wanted
to be promoted.
I'm proud of you, John.