Beau Geste

Sir Hector is well,
I trust?

Quite well, Augustus.
And we are going to have
a visit from him.

That's splendid.
I don't understand.
He never comes home
this time of year.

Only because he's
never needed money

at this time of the year
before, Augustus.

Well, I don't see what more he
expects to get out of the estate.

You forget the Blue Water.
Why, he wouldn't sell the
Blue Water, would he, Aunt Pat?

I'm afraid that's
what he intends doing.

Why, there wouldn't be
anything left!

Excuse me.
Aunt Pat,
would you show us
the Blue Water before you go?

We may not get
another chance to see it.

Very well. Burdon.
Yes, Madam?
Will you come to the Priests'
Refuge with me, please?

And bring a candle.
Yes, Madam.

Well, why are we
all so glum?

Selling the Blue Water isn't
the end of everything, is it?

It is for Gussie.
Poor Aunt Pat.
She probably doesn't mind
losing the Blue Water.

It's having Sir Hector
around again.

Well, that's a splendid way
to talk about your benefactor.

Where would you be
if it weren't for him?

I don't know, Ghastly,
but not with you, at any rate.

We couldn't quietly arrange
to dispose of Sir Hector

in some way before
he gets home, could we?

Oh, nothing gory,
of course.

Thank you,

It looks like a piece of sky
that had become solid,

with sunlight
imprisoned in it.

Cold sunlight.
Cold as the unhappiness
it has brought so many people.

Well, must have blown a fuse.
Isobel, you're the closest.
Try the switch.

So somebody
turned them off.

Another Geste joke?
It's... It's gone!
