I don't think you'll shoot,
You haven't enough men
behind you now.
You forget
I wanted an excuse.
Here's your excuse.
Very well.
You each get three
in the belly.
Keep them covered.
Touaregs coming, a great
harka. We were surprised!
Get through to Fort Tokotu and
tell them we must have help!
It will be done.
Prepare for action.
The Arabs.
Bugler, sound the alarm!
Pass out the arms
and ammunition.
Get your rifles.
Take your posts. Maris,
Voisin, Rasinoff. Follow me.
Oh, those beautiful
Didn't I tell
you not to worry?
I suppose you had this
all worked out.
Everything but having to fight
in our underwear,
and I apologize for that.
Keep it up, you scum!
Keep shooting!
You'll get a chance yet
to die with your boots on!