Dark Victory

Thank you.
What are the consequential ones?
- Does that light bother you?
- Not at all.

- Do you use your eyes a great deal?
- I generally keep them open, doctor.

What do you do on Long Island?
Horses, dogs, shooting, yachting,
travel, parties, gossip.

All the pleasures
of the station-wagon crowd.

- You don't think much of that, do you?
- No, not much.

Why not?
It just doesn't appeal to me.
You condemn everything
that doesn't appeal to you?

Oh, by no means.
You asked for my opinion,
and I gave it.

Well, anyway, that's my racket.
- What's yours?
- Mine?

Brain surgery, large practice,
about 1 0 days off every summer.

Sounds awful.
- It is.
- Then why do you do it?

Like yourself,
I've been caught in a racket.

Oh, doctor, what a relief to know
that you're no better than I am.

But you see,
I'm clearing out of my racket.

I'm leaving for Vermont
in about 1 5 minutes.

You don't mean that narrow, pinched-up
state on the wrong side of Boston?

- That's the one.
- No kidding?

- No kidding.
- What will you do, between yawns?

- You wouldn't be interested.
- Oh, come now.

After leading me on like this... .
- Scientific research on cell growth.
- In guinea pigs?

- No, just cells.
- Sounds silly.

So I'm told.
Still, I almost envy you. Must be nice
to believe in what you're doing.

- Don't you?
- Not in the way you do.

Oh, I'm not complaining.
Take it all in all,
they've dealt me a very good hand.

I'm young, I have no particular

I don't intend to cultivate any either.
One's freer without.

I shall probably marry someday.
No hurry about that.

When I do, I shall build a house
on a ridge I know with a glorious view.
