Yes, but you told her she could ride.
That's the freakish nature
of this thing. She will ride.
She'll seem well and normal,
like everybody else.
How long have you known?
Since the operation.
Why didn't you let her go then?
I haven't jurisdiction
over life and death.
How will it come?
Quietly. Peacefully.
God's last small mercy.
Will she have no warning?
No chance to be ready?
There may be a moment
towards the end when... .
When her sight
may not be quite as good as usual.
A dimming of vision.
Then a few hours, perhaps three, four.
How long has she got?
A year?
Six months?
- Four?
- Possibly more.
I don't believe it.
- She must never know.
- No. No.
You sneaks, hiding out on me.
What's the idea?
Well, actually, we're talking about
just how much you should do.
I told him you'd had the devil of a day.
He said it didn't matter.
It's been the best day of my life.
- This is for you.
- Oh, Judith, you shouldn't.
- What's in it?
- A little gold and a lot of sentiment.
From a grateful patient.
Look at that man. I thought a surgeon
had to have such steady hands.