¶ So turn on that low left hook ¶
¶ That look that leaves me weak ¶¶
[Cheering, Gunshots]
[Cheering Continues]
Quiet! Shut up!
Folks, an important
announcement by our mayor,
the honorable Hiram J! Slade!
Fellow citizens,
our esteemed sheriff,
Mr! Joseph Keogh,
has been suddenly
called out of town
on urgent business!
He'll be gone permanent!
[Man] Yippee!
So it becomes necessary for
me to appoint somebody!!!
To fill out
the unexpired term!
Therefore, with the power
conferred on me!!!
By statute number 85-E,
and other statutes
thereunto appertainin',
I do hereby appoint
to the post of sheriff...
that paragon of courage,
that credit
to his community,
the pride of Bottleneck,
Mr! Washington Dimsdale!
¶ Oh, LittleJoe,
LittleJoe ¶
Hooray for the new sheriff!!