Frenchy, am I really
the sheriff?
Well, sure, you are!
Then I am off the liquor!
A man has gotta choose
between the bottle
and the badge!
[Laughter, Cheering]
Why, he didn't say that...
or did he?
Laugh, you fools!
I'm tellin' ya this town
of Bottleneck has gotta
respect law and order,
or I'll put
everybody in jail!
The Sheriff s right!
Now you can see why I chose
such a strong-minded man!
We're all with ya, Sheriff!
If you need any help,
I'll be your deputy!
No need to bother!
I want a deputy like I was
when Destry was my boss!
Why, we handled a much
tougher and ornery a crowd
than I see present!
Why, when we started shootin',
they ran outta town so fast,
the breeze from their coattails
set off a sizeable windmill!
But Destry is dead!
That makes him
the right man for the job!
Saves us
a lot of trouble!
Is that so?
Well, young Tom ain't dead,
and his father brought him up!!!
To be the toughest
and fightinest man that
ever growed up in the west!
He ain't got as big
a name as his pa,
but he cleaned up Tombstone!
And I'm sendin' for him
to be my deputy!
And when he gets here!!!
Destry will ride again!