Nice hardware store,
ain't it, Tom?
We got some fine-looking
bowie knives in there too!
You wouldn't be interested
in one of them, would ya?
No, I was afraid
you wouldn't!
Oh, Tom, look here!
Look at this post!
Soaked through and through
with the blood
of Sawtooth McGee!
Yeah, he objected to a petticoat
his neighbor's wife was wearing,
and they fit to a draw!
Both buried in the same grave!
Sawtooth and the petticoat!
No, Sawtooth and the neighbor
and four innocent bystanders!
Now, you gotta listen
to reason or get outta town!
Aw, I think
I'll stick around!
You know, I had a friend
once used to collect
postage stamps!
He always said
the one good thing
about a postage stamp...
It always sticks to one
thing 'til it gets
there! I'm like that!
Hey, Wash, wait!
Here! I got
somethin' for ya!
I ain't expectin' nothin'!
Folks think I'm gonna nurse
their livestock, they're crazy!
What is it?
Appears to be rabbits!
Pretty big family there!
Who sent for them?
Sheriff Keogh! I got
to get 'em off my hands!
When that crate come,
there was only two!
Now count 'em!
Well, rabbits
is like that!
You can have 'em!
Say, uh, where did
Sheriff Keogh go?
I don't know nothin'!
Hold on there!
Hold on now!
You fellas gettin'
kind of playful, ain't ya?
What about it?
Careful, Creepy!
That's No Gun Destry!
Oh! [Laughing]
Well, that's
pretty good shootin'!
Must be good guns!
You care if I heft 'em?
Guess you can't
hurt yourself any
just liftin' 'em,
but be careful!
They're loaded!
Nice weight!