22 of'em! Wash, we
gotta do somethin' here!
And you been walkin'
around here actually
condemning the use of firearms!
- Where'd you say
Sheriff Keogh went?
- I didn't say!
He certainly left his
papers in a mess!
'Taint 'cause you're a coward,
'cause I know ya ain't!
Private papers, too!
Now listen, my son!
I'm an older man than you are!
I was an old
friend of your pa's!
When we was together...
He forgets his rabbits!
He forgets all these papers!
Rabbits is easy to forget!
Yeah, but gold ain't!
I don't care what
you find out, blast it!
I ain't seen
nothin' like you since
the last time I was drunk,
and them green snakes
and pink buffalos,
I can account for them,
but you... You've got
to listen to me!
All right, Wash,
now what's on your mind?
As though I ain't
been tryin' to tell ya!
You've got to behave like
I expect ya to behave!
Where's the sheriff?
He's outta town!
And when l...
Wait a minute! That's me!
Some men come
to take our ranch,
and they're shootin'
at Ma and Pa!
You hear that?
Shootin' goin' on in
this town all the time!
Come on, hurry!
What do ya want me for?
Oh, sure, sure!
Let's see
your gun, son!
Doggone near as big
as you are, isn't it?
You're Thomas Jefferson Destry,
ain't ya?
That's right!
I'm Eli Whitney Claggett!
Well, glad to know ya!
Howdy! Gosh,
I've heard about you
and your pa all my life!
Whenever we play
sheriffs and injuns,
I'm always your pa!
Couldn't do better, son!
Gosh, I bet you've
killed a lot of men
in the course of duty!
Get goin', son!
I'll be right with ya!
How 'bout me handling it?
Gosh, yeah,
you can use it!
All right!
You see, Tom!
Even that little kid...
Reminds me of a kid
I used to know!
He done in both his
ma and pa with a crowbar!
Yes, he did.
Now the judge said to him,
"Do ya got anything to say
for yourself?"
And the kid said,
"Well, I just hope that
Your Honor has some regard!!!
For the feelin's
of a poor orphan!"
You know, that reminds...
Oh, why don't you go
back to Omaha?
I'm goin' along with you!
What in tarnation for?