See you don't get hurt!
See l...
See I don't get...
Stop that shootin'!
Hold your fire, Lem!
Here's Eli back with the law!
Say, what do you
think you're doin'?
I told you we
were gonna have respect
for law and order,
and I ain't makin'
no exceptions!
That's fine, Sheriff!
Get those people
outta my house!
Your house?
That's Claggett's property,
and he ain't gonna sell
to nobody!
Maybe you better
take a look...
I ain't interested!
You mosey on outta here
before I start blastin'!
And I mean
every word of it!
There was a big bee
about that big right
on the back of your neck!
I got him, though!
Now look here...
Hold on, hold on!
Just a minute!
Mr! Kent, could I
see that paper?
You wait here while
I talk to Claggett!
What do you want
to see Claggett for?
Him's the man I want to put
off this... Who's the sheriff
around here?
I tell ya!
You ain't gonna do
this to us, mister!
We ain't givin' up
what we worked
ten years to get!
Ma'am, I'd sooner
hang that crowd out there
to the nearest tree!!!
Than let 'em have
this ranch, but that paper
your husband signed!!!
Gives 'em a legal right
to it! Don't it, Wash?
Sure, it does!
The way we're operatin' now!
But I told you what
that woman did to me!
The game was as crooked
as a hog's tail!
I don't doubt that,
but it's your word
against theirs!
That don't hold up
in court!
Why, they'd swear themselves
blue in the face agin' ya!
Afraid you folks are
over a barrel!
Fine goin's on,
when the law
takes the side of cheats!
Well, I'm sorry, ma'am,
but that's about all we can do
for you right now!
You folks stick around town!
We'll get this ranch
back for ya!
Yeah! That's just what
Keogh said,