but we're still a-losin'it.
- Keogh?
- Uh, he couldn't do
nothin' about it!
Everybody knows that
he left town sudden!
Yeah, I'll bet he did!
I'll bet he did!
There! Here's
a present for ya!
Wash, you, uh,
stay around here!!!
And see that these folks
get their stuff together!
What are you aimin' to do?
Get better acquainted
with the enemy!
Just don't stick your nose
into a keg of dynamite!
'Tain't dynamite!
It's poker and coffee!!!
That's preyin'
on my mind right now!
[Door Slams]
Well, what about it?
No trouble at all, Kent!
The place is yours!
They're packin' up now!
Well, thanks, Destry!
I can see you and me
are gonna get along fine!
Well, we gotta enforce
the law, don't we?
We sure do! We sure do!
No two ways about it,
And I thought he was dumb!
[Cows Mooing]
Hyah! Hyah!
¶ There's a hole
in the bottom of the sea ¶
¶ There's a hole
in the bottom of the... ¶
[Knock At Door]
¶ Sea ¶
¶ There's a hole
there's a hole ¶
¶ There's a hole
there's a hole ¶
¶ There's a hole in the... ¶¶
Well, shoot me for a duck!
If it ain't the water man!
Nothin' like havin'
a reputation!
Would ya tell Miss Frenchy
I'd appreciate seeing her!!!
On some official business?
Yes, sir! Yes, sir!
You wait right there!
Miss Frenchy,
the water man's here!!!
On fishy business!
What are you
talking about?
Now hold on, ma'am!
Don't start throwin'