- Which one of you men is Jeff Surrett?
- I am. Why?
I'm John Barlow, commissioner
of Indian Affairs from kansas.
- You're under arrest. All three of you.
- For what?
For the illegal killing of buffalo.
We got those buffalo on free land,
just the same as he did.
He has a permit to furnish meat
for the railroad men.
Have you got any such permit?
- Is this your business?
- I made it my business.
When I found out you were
shooting buffalo on Indian territory...
...and letting the meat rot in the sun.
When Indians protested,
you shot them in cold blood.
- This has been going on all winter.
- Now you catch up?
We didn't wanna catch up. Just counted
the number of animals you killed.
You'd have made them stop us
long before this if you'd known.
Why? It seemed a better idea to let you
and your pals work your head off...
...packing and curing those hides
until they caught you.
Oh, so that's why you waited
so long, huh?
The Indians might as well get
the hides in salable condition.
All right, Hatton.
But I hope you stick around kansas
for a long time.
We'll collect for every one
of those hides, in full.
Right. If you're ever around our way,
look us up.
All right, boys.